Save the Children
Save the Children is the leading independent
organization creating real and lasting change for children in
need in the United States and around the world. It is a member
of the International Save the Children Alliance, comprising 27
national Save the Children organizations working in more than
100 countries to ensure the well-being of children.

Southeastern Guide Dogs
This charity is among the nation's finest guide dog schools. Its mission is to help blind people achieve greater independence, dignity, and self-confidence through the use of highly trained guide dogs. In pursuit of this aim, it teaches dogs how to guide people, breeds and raises the dogs, teaches instructors the science and technique of training dogs as guides for blind people, and instructs blind people in the proper use and care of the dogs. It also educates the public about the role of dog guides and the capability of blind people for independent living.
Read more about the seeing eye dogs and to view the wonderful photos.
The Humane Society
The Humane Society receives no government funds at all. It is entirely supported by contributions. It promotes and performs sterilization of pet dogs and cats to prevent further overpopulation. Stray dogs and cats breed indiscriminately which leads to the existence of even more strays.
Most local chapters of The Humane Society also have the responsibility of euthanizing hopelessly sick or dangerous animals. Each year The Humane Society arranges countless pet adoptions, enabling families to have pets at affordable prices. They also treat and board sick animals. Many guide dogs, service dogs, and drug detection dogs are "adopted" from The Humane Society.
The Lighthouse
The Lighthouse is an organization which helps blind people to maximize their independence. It provides vocation evaluation, computer training, direct job placement, and supported employment for those without vision. The Lighthouse also has low vision clinics for those afflicted with eye diseases but still have some sight remaining. They also sponsor an early intervention program for those who are visually impaired.